Friday, May 28, 2010

13 Pounds and First Tooth

It does seem like a long time getting here, but Hope has reached 13 pounds.  She looks a lot bigger than 13 pounds to me, but she is growing like crazy so happy days for us.  She went into her Glenn at a little over 12 pounds and I know it set her weight gain back a little bit.  She has been eating great...anything and everything.  She loves to eat with the family and so far...cheese puffs are her very favorite.

Another milestone...her first tooth finally popped through.  It is tiny and hardly noticeable.  I gave her a piece of melon and she was chewing on it like usual.  It fell and when I looked at it I noticed indents on it.  I just knew what that meant...a tooth!  I am now wondering if that is what was making her nose run and the cough.  I just thought it was a cold, but maybe it was a tooth.  I wish I could take a picture and show all of you her little tooth, but it really did just pop through and it is still a sliver...not really the whole tooth.  She loves it though and spends the day rubbing her tongue on it.

She is still babbling all day long and I know that is a prelude to non-stop talking.  She had visits from Help Me Grow last week and did great with the speech therapist and the occupational therapist.  She is pretty much on target for those areas.  Her biggest delay is in her gross motor skills.  I believe some of that may be because I have been so afraid to put her on her tummy.  She cries so hard after just a minute or two and it breaks my heart.  I know it is something she will need to do, so I am working on it every day.  A little bit at a time...definitely not as much as I am sure everyone would like, but I do more and more every day.  I figure she will work her way up to spending minutes on her tummy and hopefully she will be crawling in a few months.


  1. She has the cutest facial expressions!

  2. Marlee was the same way with tummy time. We started physical therapy when she was 8 months old and she went from screaming bloody murder on her tummy, to finally crawling in about 3 months! She actually started crawling right before her first birthday and walking at 15 months. Hope is beautiful and petite just like my little one. Marlee was exactly 17 pounds at her 12 month and just now 21 pounds at 22 months! :)

  3. Look at how big Hope is getting! Big girl with her very first tooth! How exciting!!!

  4. Hope is so cute! I love that picture sitting in the swing with her foot up! What a precious little miracle. :)

  5. She is so precious! A little at a time is good, I'm sure it is difficult to hear her cry. I agree she definitely looks heavier than 13 pounds. So glad to hear all is going well.

  6. Love the cute faces that she gives you. It's so fun to reach these milestones with our heart babies.

  7. Wow she is growing up! So cute - thanks for sharing those new pics!

  8. I love her sweet little face. She looks bigger than 13 lbs. This little one just keeps amazing me, I am so happy for you guys. Hooray for her tooth and yes it was probably the cause of that runny nose. As for tummy time, I would be like that too, she has been through so much why make her cry. With time she will do what she is supposed to do. She has a way of doing things at her own time, why rush her right? Glad all is well with you and her. Always in my thoughts and prayers ((HUGS)).

  9. Haha! Look at that facial expression! She's like "I'll get you if you come any closer!". So adorable. First tooth? Already? Time goes by so fast.
